RollerMan is a character born from the imagination and creativity of its author and creator Rosario Cosentino, who was inspired by it by practicing the sport of ROLLER HORSE with his horse. RollerMan is a novel of the "Adventure Genre" suitable for both adults and children and that you can buy online on this site, or through the countless book distributors that you can find on the WEB through the GOOGLE search engine. A series of cartoons and a series of TV series are also in production, extracted from the RollerMan book published by the publishing house EDIZIONI ITALIA.
ROLLERMAN by Rosario Cosentino was proclaimed the overall winner in the Animation and TV sector of the 10th FESTIVAL FEST (Sacramento, USA) placing first in its category at the first FILM FEST (Sacramento, USA). place in its category.
The lyrics and music of the song ROLLERMAN (Run and never stop) both in Italian and English are by Rosario Cosentino and have been registered with SIAE and covered by Copyright.
SENSAZIONALE!!! ROLLERMAN di Rosario Cosentino è stato Proclamato vincitore assoluto nel settore Animazione del 10 FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI EQUUS FILM FEST (Sacramento, USA) raggiungendo un pubblico di milioni di persone che ha seguito la manifestazione in TV ed online. Ha inoltre riscosso un grande successo sia della critica che del pubblico piazzandosi al primo posto della sua categoria! Grazie a tutti quanti ci hanno dato e continuano a darci fiducia sino ad oggi!